CIPL Newsletter Octubre

N° 7 – Outubro 2022

NEWSLETTER CIPL – Nr. 7: October 2022

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Felix Ameka: first holder of the CIPL chair at Leiden University

Friday 30 September, Prof. Dr. Felix Ameka accepted a chair, initiated by CIPL and CIPSH, by delivering his inaugural lecture ‘Turning the tide from language endangerment to ethnolinguistic vitality’. Language endangerment may be considered the ‘third extension crisis’ after biodiversity and the erosion of traditional cultures, and therefore one needs all hands on deck to stop this crisis. Read more.(lik is external)..

Travel Grants

Application round travel grants is open now! Advanced students in linguistics without a PhD are eligible to receive a one-time grant to help fund their participation in a linguistics conference.
The travel grant winners of this spring’s application round have sent us their conference reports, which you can read here.

Most opportunities in life come wrapped in language!

Frieda Steurs, CIPL’s Secretary-general, interviews Helder De Schutter, Professor of Social and Political Philosophy at KU Leuven. He works on issues of linguistic justice, federalism in multinational states, nationalism and nation-building, migration and citizenship, and the case for non-territorial jurisdictional authority. He also has a strong interest in 18th-century philosophy of language. Read the interview here.

Viva Lingua Viva: deadline participation 31 October 2022

The second edition of the International Seminar Viva Língua Viva will take place November 22-25, 2022 in Belém-PA, with the theme: REVITALIZATION OF LANGUAGES: Why and how to do it? The event is promoted by the Brazilian Association of Linguistics (ABRALIN) and will be organized by the Federal University of Pará and the Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará. It will be held in person in the city of Belém-PA. Read more.

Introducing the Max Planck Institute
The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (MPI) at Nijmegen is part of the German Max Planck Gesellschaft and one of the few MPIs outside Germany. From its inception, the Institute has been devoted to interdisciplinary research into the foundations of language and communication, investigating how we produce and understand language and how we acquire the relevant skills to do so. Read more.

Introducing the Applied Linguistics Association of Serbia

The Applied Linguistics Association of Serbia (ALAS) has been functioning under this name since 2006. ALAS is a professional organization of individuals (and institutions) interested and active in applied linguistics research. ALAS provides leadership nationally in promoting scientific research carried out within the framework of applied linguistics, and facilitates distribution and exchange of information. Read more.

Introducing the Association of Latin American Linguistics and Philology

The Association of Latin American Linguistics and Philology (ALFAL) is an organization whose objective is to foster progress of theoretical and applied linguistics and philology in Latin America—especially Hispanic and Portuguese linguistics and philology—as well as literary theory and criticism. Its aim is to guarantee scientific activity that brings together scholars of Spanish, Portuguese, and indigenous languages from around the world. Read more.

The Dutch Annual Linguistics Day

The Dutch Annual Linguistics Day is a joint initiative of the Dutch Linguistic Society (AVT), the Association for Applied Linguistics (Anéla) and the National Linguistics Research School (LOT). Traditionally, the DALD is a day on which we can see and speak with all our colleagues in the Netherlands and Flanders and inform each other about current research in (applied) linguistics. Read the announcement here.

Cadernos de Linguística, an open-access journal

Cadernos de Linguística, an open-access journal of the Brazilian Association of Linguistics (ABRALIN), accepts proposals for theme issues on current and broad linguistics themes, guest-edited by leading authorities, and containing new research by prominent academics. Each issue seeks to produce an original and authoritative summary that highlights recent developments while also laying the groundwork for future research, applications, and policy decisions. Read more.

Center for Studies in Letters will host the HSS and SGdS Colloquia

The Center for Studies in Letters (CEL) has been selected to host the 2023 annual colloquia of two European societies dedicated to the History of Linguistics: the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas (HSS) between 4-6 September 2023 and the Studienkreis ‘Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft’ (SGdS) on 7-9 September 2023. Read more.

The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics in Taiwan

The President of Linguistic Society of Taiwan, Prof. S. Shyu, would like to announce the 23rd National Conference on Linguistics.

Secretary-General: Prof Frieda Steurs

Associate Secretary-General: Prof Camiel Hamans

Publicado: 13/10/22


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