CIPL Newsleter

N° 8 – Março 2023

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Exploring multilingual soundscapes in the city; a first exploration

In the past two to three decennia the study of multilingualism has not only expanded but also been reconceptualised, often linked to ‘new’ approaches and theories about the concept of language, i.e. what constitutes a language. Read the complete article by professor Anne Pauwels here

Travel grant application round Spring/Summer 2023

CIPL makes travel grants available twice a year for advanced students without a PhD who want to give a presentation at an international conference abroad. This year the program has been slightly expanded. Until now, a maximum of three grants have been made available. Now this number has been increased to five. Read more

Symposium CIPL/CIPSH Chair

Friday June 2nd 2023 the CIPL/CIPSH Chair Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity in the World is organizing a Symposium on the theme “Language maintenance and revitalization across the world” at Leiden University, The Netherlands. Speakers: Anne Pauwels, Miguel Oliveira Jr., Natalia Aralova and Felix K. Ameka. Read more

New Linguistic Bibliography Online website

CIPL is happy to announce the launch of the new Linguistic Bibliography Online website. The old website is still accessible, but will be decommissioned in the upcoming months. The new site has many improvements and enhancements, and allows for quicker and more intuitive searches. Read more

Big Question Prize

In 2023, the Graduate School for Linguistics and the Dutch Linguistic Society will award prizes for the best ideas about what will be the big questions for the language sciences in the next ten years.
The idea of this “Big Question Prize” is to find and formulate ideas that can be broadly shared in our field. Read more

News from CIPL members

Introducing CIPL’s new member: The International Society for Functional Linguistics (SILF). SILF aims to bring together linguists and researchers applying the principles of functional linguistics to the study of languages. Read more about SILF here.

The University of Azuay, Ecuador, with the academic support of the Network of Linguistic and Socio-cultural Archives of South America, presents its journal Universidad Verdad N° 81 about Linguistic Research in Latin America, with a Dossier on language documentation.

The last Dutch Annual Linguistics Day, co-organised by AVT, LOT and Anéla, took place on Friday 3 February 2023, in Utrecht. This day the AVT/Anéla Dissertation Award and the LOT Popularization Prize are awarded.

The SSG/SSL invites all colleagues interested in linguistics in Switzerland to become members and to find more information on their website. Read their announcement here

Conferences, workshop and meeting 2023

The KU Leuven organizes the International conference ‘Terminology: Domain Loss and Gain’ on April 20 and 21, 2023.

The EUROCALL 2023 Conference will be held in Reykjavik from 15 to 18 August 2023.

The International Society for Historical Linguistics organizes ICHL26 in Heidelberg from 4 to 8 September 2023 at the University of Heidelberg.

The VIth International Congress of Historical Linguistics, In honour of Clarinda de Azevedo Maia, Coimbra, will be held from 9 to 11 October 2023.

The National Meeting of the Portuguese Linguistics Association, takes place from 26 to 28 October 2023.

The biannual international Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW) is coming to town! This November 27-28.

Read more extensively about these conferences, workshop and meeting.

Secretary-General: Prof Frieda Steurs

Associate Secretary-General: Prof Camiel Hamans


Publicado: 14/3/23


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