CIPL Newsleter

NEWSLETTER CIPL - Nr. 10: March 2024

Application round CIPL travel grants is open now!
CIPL makes travel grants available twice a year for advanced students without a PhD who want to give a presentation at an international conference abroad. All information about the scholarships and the application procedure can be found here.

ICL 2024 Poznań
The 21st ICL will be organized in Poznań and will take place from 8-14 September 2024. The deadline for submitting abstracts has now passed. Approximately 800 abstracts have been received, which are now being assessed by the review committee. Notification of acceptance is expected on May 1st. Registration will be possible immediately from that date.

Introducing: the Spanish Society of Linguistics
The Spanish Society of Linguistics (SEL, Sociedad Española de Lingüística), founded in 1970, is a scientific and non-profit entity that embraces scholars from all domains of language and linguistics. Its mission encompasses promoting linguistic research with scientific methodology, advocating for the preservation of the languages spoken in Spain, collaborating with allied institutions, and facilitating continuous professional development. Read more.

Expansion of research infrastructures at
The Fachinformationsdienst Linguistik (FID Linguistik) is a project to strengthen research infrastructures in linguistics, especially pertaining to the accessibility and findability of subject-specific information and resources. It is funded by the German Research Foundation’s programme “Specialised Information Services” and is one of 40 individual projects devoted to a particular academic field. Read more.

The Pangloss collection
The Pangloss collection offers, in free access, linguistic audio documents, with a specialization in rare or less-studied languages. Its aim is to contribute to the documentation and study of the human heritage represented by the languages of the world. The documents that the visitor can consult (and download) here are the result of a patient work of professional linguists who are working to collect, study and safeguard a world linguistic heritage. Read Alexis Michaud and Séverine Guillaume’s document here or visit the website.

Now online: The Digital Pallas
For this eighteenth-century multilingual Russian dictionary, some 300 terms were translated into as many languages as possible, in order to compare the vocabularies of different languages. Governors of the provinces of the vast Russian empire, Russian diplomats around the world and foreign diplomats in Russia ensured the dissemination and translation of the terms. Read all about the Digital Pallas here.

Eva Hajičová, a life in linguistics
Prof. Eva Hajičová has been representing the Czech linguistic world in CIPL for decades, served CPL as a member of the Executive Committee for many years and organized the 17th International Congress of Linguists in Prague in 2003. Nevertheless, she never thought of becoming a linguist when she was a young girl. ‘I wanted to be a teacher, whatever subject to teach,’ she answers when she was asked how she came to linguistics. ‘My father was a teacher so I had a good example.’ Read the interview here.

Symposium CIPL/CIPSH Chair
On Wednesday June 5, 2024, the first occupant of the CIPL/CIPSH Chair Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity in the World, Felix K. Ameka, is organizing a symposium at Leiden University on the theme ‘The value of languages (to speakers and communities)’. The main motivation for this symposium is to get some people around the table to discuss the value of languages, particularly the economic value of languages to speakers, especially in marginalized communities. Read more.

ICL Archive at CIPL’s website
There is not yet a good overview of all the available information on and results from the various International Congresses of Linguists. Prof. Yekaterina Yakovenko has taken it upon herself to check and collect what is available from the conferences. We are very grateful to her for this. A first inventory has now been published on our website. Read more.

News from CIPL members
The Philological Society
 is pleased to announce the award of up to five Master’s Bursaries up to the value of £15,000 each to applicants to one year Master’s degree programmes for the 2024-25 academic session. Please see the PhilSoc website for details (
The linguistic societies of Belgium (BKL) and The Netherlands (AVT) are proud to announce the new journal Nota Bene, covering current research from across the language sciences and adjacent disciplines.

The 45th edition of the conference of the International Society for Functional Linguistics (SILF) will take place from 2 to 5 October 2024 in Olomouc, under the auspices of the Palacký University Olomouc (Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic).
The Latin American Association for Linguistics and Philology (ALFAL) will organize its next International Conference in August 2026 at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in Lima. 
Please visit their website for updates on ALFAL´s 2026 International Conference:
Read more more extensive about the above subjects here.

CIPSH 75th anniversary 

CIPSH has been established upon the initiative of UAI and UNESCO the 19th of January 1949. Seventy-five years later, the context has changed but the tripod consisting of UNESCO, CIPSH, and the Humanities Unions and Federations remains a fundamental basis for the Human Sciences outreach and protection. Read more.

Secretary-General: Prof Frieda Steurs

Associate Secretary-General: Prof Camiel Hamans

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